Vishuddha Amber Pearl Necklace

Vishuddha Amber Pearl Necklace

Regular price $138.00 Sale

Introducing the Vishuddha Pearl Necklace, a timeless masterpiece. Handcrafted with finesse, this necklace features lustrous fresh water amber colored pearls elegantly strung on a 17” gold fill chain, echoing the bold and captivating allure of the goddess Aphrodite.
The Pearl Vishuddha Necklace embodies the essence of purity, wisdom, and feminine grace. Pearls, often referred to as "teardrops of the moon," are symbols of love, purity, and transformation. They resonate deeply with the crown chakra, fostering spiritual connection, inner wisdom, and enlightenment. Harmonize your throat and crown chakras as you wear this exquisite necklace. May the timeless beauty and sacred energy of pearls empower you to speak your truth with confidence and elegance.
Adorn yourself with the Pearl Vishuddha Necklace to embrace your inner goddess and radiate with divine grace and sophistication. It's more than just jewelry; it's a symbol of your inner strength and beauty.